Friday 11th July 2025
It's here - the long awaited Crowborough Wolfe Bowls Club Mixed Triples Tournament, and it takes place on Friday 11th July 2025 at CWBC, Luxford Land, Crowborough. TN6 2PE
20 Triples Teams will participate in this wonderful event, with a maximum of 2 teams permitted from visiting clubs.
The Entry Fee of £60/Triple will include refreshments on arrival, a two course meal and drink, and tea / coffee throughout the day. Those who have visited us before know that we have parking available at the club, and a bar which will be open throughout the day !
Prizes will be awarded, and there will be the usual fun and games alongside the magnificent triples tournament.
Please RSVP to simonscales@gmail.com to reserve your places, as when they're gone, they're gone !